Monday, July 18, 2011

Constant waiting.

    The saying is hurry up and wait. I try and remind myself that it isnt the easiest thing to do for this impatient girl who has a 9 month old she is keeping up from her nap to talk to Dada. (Which leads to an annoyed and very tired momma) I try and remember it is not an easy task on Ashton's end. He is the one dealing with internet connection..or the lack of..and walking five or ten minutes away to find the place with the "good" connection. Skype can be my best friend and my worst enemy, but his phone calls keep me going.

This is the picture that I got today. This is why I will postpone everything I have or need to do to sit in front of a computer sreen to wait and see the little orange sqaure in the bottom right of my screen say " Ashton Cutts is online". =)

1 comment:

  1. I am fortunately cursed with rbe smart phone bug. Bless unlimited data! No matter where I was or what I was doing, when my phone would chime that Bryan was online, I'd drop everything and start typing immediately. I only got to Skype with him twice. The rest of the time was only MSN messenger or Facebook chat, but I was tickled with that. People looked at me crazy when I'd get out of line at the grocery store and start texting like my fingers were on fire. Once, he logged in while I was driving home from work at 2 am. I sat in a parking lot and chatted with him until he had to go. A cop pulled me over right as I left to make sure I hadn't been stealing, because I'd been sitting there so long. When he saw my deputy uniform he apologized lol.

    One day at a time and lots of distractions. You'll be at halfway before you know it. That second half is a doozy, though. No lie.
